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Patrick visits schools, libraries, and conferences in the U.S. and abroad. 

Reach out to him, ask questions, via the Contact page, or email him at pjennings@patrickjennings.comHe can visit live in person or via Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.

What Patrick will do when he visits:


  • Hold large groups of children (grades PreK-8) spellbound with riveting, side-splitting stories, anecdotes, drawings, and readings.
  • Lead exciting workshops that will have students yelling, “Get out of my way! I want to write!”
  • Incorporate classroom curriculum into presentations whenever possible. 
  • Have informal lunchtime and playground chats with students.
  • Answer incisive student questions like, “Do you know anybody famous?”, “Are you rich?” and “Dude, where did you get those shoes?”
  • Sign books, so order heaps.

    What he won't do:

    • Sign other author’s books. (Don’t laugh. He's been asked.)
    • Bus duty.
    • Rap.


    What adults have said about him:

    From the blog of fifth grade teacher, Jordan Henrichs:

    "On Monday morning our fifth graders had the opportunity to sit down with Patrick (Or Pato as we are now allowed to call him because we are friends) and listen to him speak about writing books, wanting a dog, and the deaths of many pets. He was wildly engaging and the students loved him!
    While reading GUINEA DOG, I marveled at Jennings's dialogue and the way he was able to create such an authentic, realistic first person narrative. As someone who aspires to write their own novel(s) for children someday, this was my burning question I wanted answered. Give me tips! How do you get inside the mind of a pubescent boy? I didn't take advantage of the opportunity to ask him because I didn't need to. Within minutes of meeting the man the answer was obvious. He's a big kid himself!

    A former preschool teacher, Jennings loves children. He hosts writing groups of children in his own home (Pato's Cave) and he admitted to learning more from them than they probably learn from him. The presentation he gave us was totally centered around the kids. No PowerPoint presentation. No bulleted outline to follow. Just Patrick Jennings and an easel. We arrived at 9 o'clock for an hour long experience (his first of many throughout the week) and at 9:45 he glanced at his watch and asked "How long do I have you for?" It felt like we had only been listening to him for 15 minutes! (We didn't leave until 10:20, stretching out 20 more minutes than we should have). He was so personable and so engaging. He really made the kids feel like he was there forthem. He even jotted down some of their names to possibly use in future books! 

    We have hosted a lot of authors through Cedar Valley's Youth Read and entering this year, Patrick Jennings was probably the one I knew the least about. That being said, he is easily the one I have enjoyed the most.

    Now I have some reading to catch up on . . . 15 books worth!



    “Rave reviews came to us from students, parents, and teachers. Patrick is a dynamic, vivacious, and exuberant presenter.”—Marie Weltz, young authors conference coordinator, Mt. Vernon, Washington

    “Patrick made each child feel important, continuing to answer questions even as students were filing out. Since his trip I have not been able to keep his books on my shelves. I can guarantee that he will be returning.”—Beth Thames, school librarian, Aldine, Texas

    “Parents and students were buzzing in the days after Patrick's visit. I received, the very next day, a letter by one of the mothers in attendance, who wrote: ‘It is by exposure to real-life authors like Patrick, who are engaging and passionate about their work, that further excites children to read and to dream about what they might create and achieve.’”—Tina A. Kubasek, teacher, Whittier, California

    "[Jennings] was entertaining for all ages . . . engaging, animated . . . a natural teacher!"—comments from The Whitworth Writing Rally Steering Committee, Spokane, Washington

    "Patrick really shines in his interactions with students. He had lunch with small groups and did book signings. His many wonderful books will not stay on the shelves. I can unequivocally recommend him as the perfect author guest.” —Mary Beth Steidl, Frankfurt International School, Frankfurt, Germany

    “Patrick's presentations had great energy and enthusiasm and involved quite a bit of student participation. He introduced the students to a very simple visual that they can use to breakdown the structure of most stories or to organize the planning of their own story. He used this simple visual to also familiarize the students with some of his books, as well as to create an original story on the spot with them. As the librarian, I found myself using his simple visual the following week to discuss the plot of new books that I was reading with my classes. ... Patrick was a pleasure to work with on an administrative end. He was quick to respond to messages and a very easy guest to host.” –Farin Mendis, librarian, Amsterdam International School, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    "We heard from teachers and students all throughout the day about how much they enjoyed meeting you. Thanks so much for making each student you talked to feel so special. For the first time in my hosting-author-visits history, I has one little girl come up, throw her arms around my waist, and thank me from the bottom of her heart for inviting you.” – Cindy Rogers, librarian, Bonn International School, Bonn, Germany

    What kids have said:

    “I believe your achievements are a credit to your talent.”—James, age 10, Edmonton, Ontario

    “Trust me. All my class likes your books. They like you better than any other author.”—Tara, 5th Grade, Beirut, Lebanon

    “It was fun very fun. I liked it when you scared us.”—Jesse, 3rd Grade, Tucson, Arizona

    “I loved your presentations at my school. Are you rich?”—Vincent, 6th Grade, Schertz, Texas


    Drawing by Danitza